Juror Commission

COVID-19 Information

Information related to COVID-19 affecting Logan County IL.

ios7 information outline Current Statistics 

Logan County Department of Public Health

If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.


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Effective July 1, 2017 all counties in the State of Illinois are required to file appeal records electronically to their respective appellate court districts.  Logan County is part of the 4th Judicial Appellate Court.  Effective January 1, 2018 all counties in the state will be required to file civil proceedings via electronic filing.  The state of Illinois has contracted with Tyler Technologies/Odyssey as the hub for filing all electronic submissions.  What this means to our public is any court case filings will have to be submitted using Tyler Technologies Odyssey program.  My office has a work station set up for anyone who comes into the office prepared to file a civil case or you can do this from your home or office.  We are not attorneys however will assist in a non-legal manner.  It will be the parties’ responsibility to set up an account with Odyssey.  You will need a credit card for payment to set up your Odyssey account.  You will also be able to access the site from your home computer.  Tyler has procedure instructions for your convenience.  There is also a help phone line 1-800-297-5377 or visit OdysseyeFileIL.com

Once the filing is submitted to my office we will then review the filing and if it meets the courts requirements it will be accepted and if it does not then we will reject it with a brief explanation as to why it is being rejected.

My staff and I have been to several trainings and will continue to learn this process as mandated by the Supreme Court in order to assist the courts and the public.

Anyone filing electronically must have a valid email address.

On October 31st, 2016 Logan County was recognized by Tyler Technology as the first county in Illinois to e-file court documents during the fall conference of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks. 

We look forward to serving the public with this efficient and time-saving method.  We are at this time accepting civil e-filings so please feel free to utilize this.

Mary Kelley

Clerk of the Circuit Court

Logan County, Lincoln, IL
(217) 735-2376
