- Details
- Category: Animal Control
Logan County Animal Control is the County agency responsible for the enforcement of the state statutes governing rabies control in domestic companion animals. The State of Illinois requires that all dogs be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. Compliance with this law is monitored through the issuance of rabies tags for all dogs residing in the County. All dogs are required to wear their rabies tags when off of the owner’s property. If a pet is lost, rabies tags also provide an excellent means of identifying your pet. Logan County Animal Control also enforces the County’s ordinance that prohibits dogs from running at large in unincorporated, residential areas. Animal Control also reports animal bites as well as pick up stray dogs that are not in a contained area. Stray dogs & cats may also be brought to the facility during business hours. Animal Control is located at 1517 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, or you can contact them at 217-735-3232.
Dogs and cats are available for adoption, reclaims & drop-offs at our facility:
Monday - Friday - 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Cat Adoptions.......$85
Dog Adoptions......$120
Rabies Registration:
$15 for 1 yr. & younger or spayed/neutered
$35 1 yr. not spayed/neutered
$35 3 yr. if spayed/neutered
$100 3 yr. if not spayed/neutered
$20 - $500 - Running at large
$25.00 - Pickup fee
$15.00 - Release fee
$25.00 - Public safety fee. This is for running at large. (Write a separate check; it will be refunded if animal is spayed/neutered within 30 days)
$25.00 Microchip: All running at large animals will be chipped before being released. (We will microchip & register any walk-ins for this cost also)
$20 - $500 Fee for not having a current rabies vac. (Dogs & cats both are to be Rabies vaccinated & registered in Logan County)